Friday, November 11, 2005

I'm a glutton for punishment

I sent a letter to the local paper today in response to two letters. Here are the letters and my response. I don't know if they'll use it or how they'll edit it. In the past they've edited my letters in a way that makes them nearly nonsensical.

Here are the letters that spurred me on:

Dangerous game
Some organizations and individuals are undermining the morale of the American people and our military, here and in Iraq and Afghanistan. These people seem to forget that 3,000 American citizens lost their lives on 9/11. They forget that the Arab world has a well-financed and well-organized group who, if they had weapons of mass destruction, would use them on this country and our people in a New York second. These adversarial organizations and individuals are playing a dangerous game in attempting to undermine the morale of the American people and our military. Whatever their motive, they are aiding and assisting people who could destroy America in the blink of an eye. Those opposed to the war had better take a serious look at themselves because they could get something they don't really want.
Fred Sexton, Oklahoma City

Spell it out!
Charles C. Waddle (Your Views, Nov. 2) is upset because signs describing Oklahoma City use the words "Okla City." I'm upset by people writing Merry Christmas as "Merry Xmas." The "X" is an unknown. Christ suffered and died on the cross for our sins. The least one can do is write out Merry Christmas.

Caroylen Yoder, Caney

And here is my response:

Protest Is Important

In “Dangerous Game” (Your Views, Nov. 11) Fred Sexton implies that protesters help terrorists by “undermining the morale of the American People and our military.” The freedom to protest is one of the most sacred our military helps to protect. Did protests in New England states undermine the US in the War of 1812? Did northern copperheads undermine the Union effort in the Civil War? Did Mark Twain undermine the U.S. by protesting imperialism in the Spanish-American War? Did protests during World War I and before World War II undermine an Allied Victory? They did not. Were they convenient? No. Were they necessary? Yes. The ability to preserve the flag, sing patriotic songs and support the government regardless of motive are things supported by dictatorships and republics alike. It is only in the free world that you can say to the government, “You’re doing something wrong and we need to change it.” As President Theodore Roosevelt said, “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” And in response to “Spell it out!” (Your Views, Nov. 11) the X in Xmas is the first letter of the Greek spelling of Christ and commonly used as an abbreviation all through the middle ages.

There you go.