Saturday, October 11, 2014

Back in School and Still Alive

Well, I'm back in school doing another semester at Shoreline Community College learning about Animation and Multimedia. Last semester (summer 2014) I had Photography, 2D Design and Basic Image Manipulation. I would have also had a class on “How To Use A Mac” but I tested out of it. I made A's in all of my classes.

So this semester I'm taking four classes: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Drawing and Game Design. I'm having loads of fun in each class but am most intimidated by the Drawing class. I have a lot more confidence in my ability to be creative with words and through film making but I need to get better at drawing (at least illustration for storyboards and animation).

I also have a part-time job to help extend the Unemployment training benefits through the end of my program (there's a complex set of rules as to how much you can work before you're considered fully employed and I'm staying on the right side of the equations). So far it's just enough work to help pay the bills without getting in the way of school. It does get in the way of me doing film production on the weekends so that's kind of a bummer but roof over our heads and food on the table through December of 2015 is also a good thing. That's when the schooling should be over and I can hopefully become gainfully employed with my new skill set. We'll see.

I'm still taking a break from relationships. I've been thinking about this and right now I just don't know what I can offer to someone as far as a relationship. I mean, yes, I do miss physical companionship. And it would be nice to eventually find someone to share my life with or at least talk to and do stuff with. But there's time and effort that goes into a relationship. Right now I feel kind of mentally blocked in my ability to devote time and effort to a relationship.

So that's where I'm at right now. I know the thousands of people following my every move will be satisfied that I'm updating the blog.